Tuesday 21 June 2011


                 1 kotak (15sac) : Rm79.00
2 kotak (30sac) : Rm150.00

Kelebihan :

Kulit :
  • Memabantu menjadikan kulit semakin lembut, licin dan anjal.
  • Mengurangkan garisan halus dan kedut terutama dibawah mata.
  • Menyerikan wajah serta mencerahkannya.
  • Mengurangkan pigmentasi pada wajah.
  • Mengurangkan jerawat serta parut pada wajah.

Rambut :
  • Membantu menguatkan akar ranbut.
  • Menjadikan rambut lebih lembut dan bersinar.
  • Mengurangkan rambut bercabang serta gugur.
  • Membantu menjadikan rambut lebih cepat panjang dan lebat.

Tubuh & Kesihatan :
  • Membantu meneutralkan radikal bebas.
  • Membantu meningkatkan system imun badan.
  • Meningkatkan kadar metabolisma dalam badan.
  • Membantu menstabilkan peredaran darah haid serta mengurangkan senggugut.
  • Membantu melancarkan peredaran darah serta melambatkan penuaan.
  • Mengurangkan kadar kolesterol serta mengatasi masalah sembelit.
  • Menjadikan tubuh badan menawan serta tidak menggeleber.
  • Menguatkan tulang, gigi dan sendi serta memudahkan pergerakan sendi.
  • Menjadikan kuku lebih bersinar dan tidak pucat.
  • Mengetatkan faraj serta memberi tenaga kepada wanita.
  • Menganjalkan serta mencantikkan payudara. 

Cara Pengambilan :

Campurkan 1sachet ke dalam segelas air sejuk/masak 150ml, kacau dan minum segera. Dicadangkan minum waktu pagi atau malam (dalam keadaan perut kosong).1sacahet sehari sahaja.

 Info Penting Semasa Pengambilan EVE Collagen :
  • Ambil semasa perut kosong (sebelum makan).
  • Jangan bancuh dengan air panas atau suam.
  • Minum air kosong 2.5-3liter sehari kerana EVE mengandungi PURE COLLAGEN.
  • Penyakit darah tinggi mula pengambilan dengan 1/2 sachet dahulu selama seminggu/2minggu pertama.Yang tidak tahan healing crisis di awal pengambilan EVE, blh kurankan dgn mengambil 1/2 sachet utuk minggu pertama. 

The following content ingredients as follows: 
  1. Orange Powder.
  2. Fish Collagen.
  3. Lobata.
  4. Ascorbic Acid.
  5. Kacip Fatimah.
  6. Silk Amino Acid.
  7. Stevia Extract.
Orange Powder :
Orange is one of the most favorite fruit in the world. Orange is loaded with vitamins, and the most abundant vitamin in orange is Vitamin C. This powerful vitamin our body against harmful elements.
An orange has over 170 different phytochemicals and more than 60 flavonoids making them very useful against manu heart and vision problems, although they may not provide the same benefits as carrots. By increasing orange intake you can have a healthier immune system. It works greatly against different kinds of cancer too.

Fish Collagen (85% Protein):
Collagen is the main protein of connective tissue in animals and the most abundant protein in mammals, making up about 25% of the total protein content. Fish collagen peptide is a fine powder, white or pale yellow in color, obtained by extracting collagen from sources including the bones and scales of fish such as bonito, tuna, halibut, and sea bream.
Fish Collagen peptides have a variety of functions, the most representative ones being improving skin quality and preventing increases in blood pressure. In particular, it has been found to improve skin dryness and roughness, and is therefore already being used widely in health and beauty applications.

Lobata Powder (40% Isoflavone):
Lobata is a traditional herb derived from the tuber roots of the well-know woody climber in Thailand commonly known as "Kwaao Kreu". This trailing vine is part of legume, peuraria or bean family, which grows in the north east of Thailand. Lobata is known as "Ge-Gen" in traditional Chinese medicine and "Kudzu" in Japan. Lobata origin country is from China.
Lobata is rich in natural phyto-estogen which is very helpful in accelerate and stabilizing hormone level in women's body.research showed that Women Lobata promotes the formation of natural collagen. it has been commonly used for centuries in China as a booster in improving blood circulation. most women concern about the aging process especially its concequences. Lobata also can improve microcirculation, promote toxin elimination and promote mammary gland healthiness.

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C 99%):
Ascorbic acids (Vitamin C), an essential nutrient found mainly in fruits and vegetables. The body requires it to form and mantain bones, blood vessels, and skin. Like other vitamins, ascorbic acid is an organic compound. Ascorbic acid is required for the growth and repair of tissues. This nutrient is also essential for the healing of wounds, and for the repair and mantainance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.
Ascorbic acid helps produce collagen, a protein needed to develop and mantain healthy teeth, bones, gums, cartilage, vertebrate discs, joint linings, skin and blood vessels. Ascorbic acid is also a good anti-oxidant, preventing damage from oxygen free radicals.

Kacip Fatimah:
Kacip Fatimah has been traditionally used by the Malay women for many generations in childbirth in inducing and eases delivery, as a post partum medication to help contract the birth channel, to regain body strength, regulate menstrual cycle and avoid painful or difficult menstruation, and to alleviate menopausal symptoms.
Kacip Fatimah is traditionally used to maintain a healthy female reproductiveKacip Fatimah is rich in phytoestrogen and isoflavones, that may ease menopausal symptoms. Oak Gall is rich in antioxidants and is traditionally used as postpartum care to treating the reproduction system. Other traditional uses include treating dysentery, rheumatism, and gennoehoea. It is also used as antiflatulence by helping to drive away and prevent the formation of gas. The plant will also help to firm and tone the abdominal muscles.

Silk Mixed Amino Acids (Silk Essence):
This is the water soluble mixing amino acid obtained after hydrolysis of Silk fibroin. More than 85% of whose content are alanine, serine and glycin, is a functionally prominent nutrient with higher nutritional value. Glycin and serine can synthesize the glutathione which has certain preventive actions on heart disease and cancer. While alanine helps in promoting the metabolism of alcohol in human body and protect liver. Moreover, tyrosine can prevent the old from Alzheimer disease.
Silk amino acid is very easy to permeate the derma layer of skin and get absorbed, nurturing skin as well. Due to its action in the enzyme metabolism, silk amino acid can keep and adjust moisture, preventskin from ultraviolet radiation, restain splash generation, facilitate anti-aging for skin.

Stevia Extract :
Stevia extract is a super-sweet, low-calorie dietary supplement that helps regulate blood sugar and support the pancreas. It is valuable for anyone with diabetes and hypoglycemia.
It is a wonderful aid to weight loss and weight management because it contains no calories. In addition, research indicates that it significantly increases glucose tolerance and inhibits glucose absorption. People who ingest Stevia daily often report a decreases in their desire for sweets and fatty foods, It may also improve digestion and gastraiontestinol function, soothe upset stomachs, and help speed recovery from minor illnesses.



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